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Cambridge Schistosomiasis Research Group
Includes group information, articles, disease information, and history of studies on the parasite.
CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases - Schistosomias
Includes factsheets and news releases.
CDC DPDx - Schistosomiasis
Factsheet with causal agents, life cycle, geographic distribution, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment.
CDC Travelers' Health Information on Schistos
Factsheet with cause, affected areas of the world, symptoms, geographic distribution map, prevention, and treatment.
eMedicine - Schistosomiasis
Article by Amy J Behrman, MD.
eMedicine - Schistosomiasis
Article by Palaniandy Kogulan, MD.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Schistosomiasis
Features cause, risk factors, symptoms, tests, treatment, complications, and prevention.
Medmicro: Schistosomes and Other Trematodes
Medical and scientific information on the organisms and the diseases they cause.
Schistosoma spp.
Includes life cycle, images, and disease information.
Features organism life cycle and disease syndromes.
Features cause, images, affected populations, control, and treatment.
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
Features objectives, disease information, programs, operating locations, and news.
Schistosomiasis in China
Collaborative project between faculty of the Environmental Health Sciences Program and the College of Natural Resources at U.C. Berkeley, and the Sichuan Institute of Parasitic Disease (SIPD) in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. Includes disease information, projects, and publications.
Schistosomiasis Research Program at Harvard
Includes disease information, activities, objectives, publications, and links.
Schistosomiasis: The "New" Plague of Afr
Article on the disease and its effects.
Schistosomiasis: The UNICEF-UNDP-World Bank-WHO Sp
Features disease information, parasite life cycle, research, achievements, news, publications, and images.
The York Schistosomiasis Research Group
Includes disease information, parasite life cycle, research information, and links.
WHO/OMS: Schistosomiasis
Includes factsheets on the disease, programs, and research.