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Bad Bug Book: Giardia lamblia
Features cause, symptoms, risk factors, complications, and outbreaks.
CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases - Giardiasis
Factsheets and articles with cause, risk factors, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.
eMedicine - Giardiasis
Article by Andre Pennardt, MD FACEP.
eMedicine - Giardiasis
Article by Brooks D Cash.
eMedicine Health - Giardiasis
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of giardiasis.
Giardia lamblia
Cell biology and microscopy of one of the most primitive eukaryotes.
Giardiasis - Beaver Fever
Fact sheet on the disease with cause, transmission, prevention, and treatment.
Giardiasis - Familydoctor.org
Factsheet with cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.
Giardiasis Facts
Factsheet with cause, prevention, symptoms, and treament.
Kidshealth: Giardiasis
Features cause, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Giardiasis
Features cause, diagnosis, tests, symptoms, and prevention.