english deutsch
CDC - Enterobiasis
Includes cause, life cycle, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment.
Centers for Disease Control - Pinworm Fact Sheet
Includes symptoms and prevention.
eMedicine - Pinworm : Article by Sun Huh, MD, PhD
Article by Sun Huh, MD, PhD.
eMedicine Health - Pinworms
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of pinworms.
Enterobius vermicularis - Pinworms
Includes pinworm life cycle, signs and symptoms, photographs and drawings of the parasite, and detection procedures.
HealthCentral - Pinworm
Features cause, treatment, prevention, complications, and diagnosis.
Kidshealth: Pinworm
Factsheet with cause, symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
MedlinePlus: Pinworms
Directory of factsheets, news, and articles.
Pinworms and Your Child
American Academy of Family Physicians patient information handout with information on treatment, symptoms, and prevention.