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Information about the diagnosis and treatment of ALS, from the University of Chicago Department of Neurology.
ALS Center at MCP Hahnemann University
The ALS Center of MCP Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA, provides compassionate,complete, multidisciplinary, state of the art care and access to the newest, most promising clinical trials in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS, muscular dystrophy MD and neuromuscular disease.
ALS Hope Foundation
Les Turner ALS Foundation - Chicago
The Les Turner Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation is the nation's largest, independent ALS organization devoted to raising money for research, patient services and educational materials and to maintaining quality of life for every person with ALS.
Miami ALS
The University of Miami ALS Clinical and Research Center.
Robert Wood Johnson University
Neuromuscular and ALS Center, New Jersey.
Ronny and Linda Finger MDA/ALS Center
Houston, Texas.
The Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins
The goal of the Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins University is to develop new treatments for ALS through aggressive and innovative approaches.
The MDA/ ALS Program at Mount Sinai Medical Center
Provides general information on ALS and other motor neuron diseases as well as a description of the services provided at the center in New York.
Washington University MDA/ALS Center
St. Louis, Missouri.
Yale Neuromuscular MDA/ALS Program
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology.