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About Madelung's Disease
Description of the disease with links to relevant sites, genetic information, and the author's personal story.
DOIA Launois-Bensaude's Lipomatosis
A German University site on the disease. Contains some images of the disease (click the "images" tab at the top of screen).
Lipoma Forum
A community devoted to sharing information, providing resources and offering support to those who suffer from lipomas, Dercum's, MSL or any related illnesses.
Lipomatosi di Launois-Bensaude (MSL)
A site, in both Italian and English, providing a historical perspective of Madelung's Disease.
Madelung's Disease: Benign Symmetric Lipomato
Madelung's disease or Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis is a "sight diagnosis." Only a doctor knowledgeable about the disease can diagnose it.
multiple symmetric lipomatosis from On-line Medica
A definition of multiple symmetric lipomatosis
NEJM -- Madelung's Disease: Inherited from an
Images in Clinical Medicine from The New England Journal of Medicine -- Madelung's Disease: Inherited from an Ancient Mediterranean Population? Only the first part of the article is displayed. You will have to purchase the article if you want to see it.
NORD: Madelung's Disease
The National Organization for Rare Disorders briefly describes this rare disorder (also known as Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosis, Benign Symmetric Lipomatosis or Lanois-Bensaude Syndrome) and lists further reference information.
OMIM Entry 151800
Describes the form of Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis (MSL) characterized by a collar of fat around the neck. The article suggests the cause to be a mitochondrial abnormality.
Osteonecrosis in multiple symmetrical lipomatosis
Discusses a new aspect to MSL not seen before, that of osteonecrosis, or bone death. Check out http://www.nonf.org for more information.
Pathology Teaching Slide - Soft Tissue Pathology
The first dozen or so entries are images of Madelung's Disease, taken with various scanning techniques.
Tumescent Liposuction
Discusses the use of liposuction in the palliative treatment of Madelung's Disease. The tumescent method is the safest method found to date.