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Coalition on Donation
A not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and local coalitions across the United States dedicated to educating the public about organ and tissue donation.
Deadly Shortage
Information about alternatives to current organ donation system. Advocates open market for organ donations.
Gift of a Lifetime
An educational, web documentary about organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Includes the Interactive Body, student resources and information about becoming a donor.
Greif Family Kidney Transplant/Donor Story
Information on the kidney transplant and donation process. Chronicles the kidney donation of Howard Greif to his father Irwin Greif.
International Association for Organ Donation
Information and resources for organ transplant candidates, recipients, donors, and their families.
Modern Miracles: Organ Transplants
Site created by students providing an overview of organ transplantation and donation.
My Kidney Pancreas Transplant
All about a life saving transplant along with other information about transplantation and diabetes.
Sandrine's Gift of Life
An online educational program about organ and tissue donation target to middle and secondary school teachers and students.
Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients
Providing reports and data on solid organ transplantation, as well as a transplantation primer, glossary, and research resources.
Students for Organ Donation
Student organization to promotes awareness of organ donation on college campuses.
Talk Transplant
A UK-based site with updates and information for recipients of organ transplants.
Team Give Life
Team Give Life is a four-man, ultra-distance cycling team that will compete in the 2005 Race Across America ? a non-stop, 3000 mile bike race from San Diego to Atlantic City ? to raise awareness and funds for the cause of blood, organ and tissue donation.
The Never Ending Gift
Links to organ and tissue transplantation. How to become an organ donor.
Transplant Awareness, Inc.
An educational organization which also raises funds for transplant awareness.
Transplant Speakers International, Inc.
A non-profit organization solely comprised of transplant recipients and organ and tissue donor families. Offers a unique speakers' training program designed specifically for donor family and transplant recipients.
Details of the history and the progress of organ transplantations. Immunological issues are explained, as well as future research in artificial organs and xenotransplantations.
Questions and answers, myths, and other information about organ transplants and donation.
United Network for Organ Sharing
Nonprofit organization which coordinates U.S. organ transplant activities. The UNOS Web site contains information and statistics about organ transplantation.
University of Wisconsin Madison Transplant Program
Transplant Surgery at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Department of Surgery