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Beyond Personal Training
Personal training with trainer Trevor Hoha, located in Eagan, Minnesota. Goes beyond basic personal training to include fitting fitness into your lifestyle and activities. Includes training tips and techniques, a body fat calculator, nutritional advice, and a Fitness Shop with recommended supplements.
Cross Train Personal, Sports and Fitness Training
One-on-one and group personal training with John Sullivan in Eagan, Minnesota. Max Muscle supplements and sports nutrition products and Valeo fitness equipment also available.
Health and fitness specialist John Barnes provides comprehensive, results-oriented, and individualized optimal health solutions, including personal training and overall wellness.
Foxpoint Fitness
Customized one-on-one personal training with Al Pann in Burnsville, Minnesota. Includes information on his private training facility and fitness links and articles.
Green Body Personal Training
Personal training with David La Chapelle in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Fitness studio available specializing in the development of general fitness programs, including weight loss, muscle development and overall health and well-being.
Hanson Home Fitness
Three-time All American gymnast Rob Hanson offers in-home personal training in the Twin Cities for weight loss, fitness, aerobic conditioning, and nutrition.
HomBody In-Home Personal Training
In-home personal training, Pilates, weight-management from certified fitness trainers Tom Conroy and Jeanne Johnson. Includes information on online training and weight management. Located in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Innovative Fitness Consulting
Nathan Hartwig provides personal training services in Woodbury, Minnesota and surrounding areas.
Life Partners Personal Training
Personal trainer Hall Bass specializes in stability training, balance, injury rehabilitation, and 45+ reconditioning. In-Home or On-Line training available. Located in Apple Valley, Minnesota.
Personal Training by Julie
In home or in studio personal training, yoga and pilates. Julie specializes in weight management, body toning, injury rehab and core strength. Located in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Metro area.