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An Introduction to Information Mastery
The Department of Family Practice at Michigan State University presents a web-based course about the evidence-based approach to clinical practice and the management of literature.
Center for Evidence-Based Medicine
Features tutorials on practising and teaching this method of critical appraisal, with glossary of terms and self-evaluation questionnaire. Form the Department of Medicine at Toronto General Hospital, Canada.
Clinical Reasoning - Evidence Based Medicine
The Medical University of South Carolina, USA, presents definitions, worksheets and case histories to illustrate and practice the principles.
Evidence Based Medicine
A tutorial designed for medical students, with a case study and instructions for analysing scientific papers. From the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Evidence Based Medicine Information
A tutorial on basic concepts, including a guide to searching literature and databases. From Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA.
Evidence-Based Medicine
The American University of Beirut presents a tutorial covering principles, resources, and the critical appraisal process.
Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine
Provides tutorials and explanations of the principles of critical appraisal, using systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and clinical practice guidelines. From the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine
A self-paced tutorial on the principles and processes, designed for healthcare practitioners and students. From the Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA.
Navigating the Maze
The University of Virginia School of Medicine presents a guide to using web-based medical search engines, with links to the major resources.
The Clinician?s Lament: How Can I Keep Up With the
A tutorial on evidence-based medicine designed for clinicians. From the New York Academy of Medicine.
Tips for Learners of Evidence-Based Medicine: Meas
Explains the use of confidence intervals in testing hypotheses. From the Canadian Medical Association Journal. [English and French]
Tips for Learners of Evidence-Based Medicine: Rela
Describes how to estimate a treatment's effectiveness and explains the concepts of risk reduction, and number needed to treat. From the Canadian Medical Association Journal. [English and French]