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BRIT Systems Inc
Teleradiology primer provides this instructive outline of the basic components of a teleradiology system in addition to providing details of the company's teleradiology products.
Cypher IT, Ltd
For independent consultancy on teleradiology infrastructure.
Diagnostic Imaging
A collection of articles on picture archiving and communication systems. The collection is updated weekly.
Eurad Consult
A teleradiology centre suppling the world with primary readings, second opinions, reporting services, and without any obligations. Based in Mechelen , Belgium.
Promotes the exchange of research information to encourage the development and use of digital systems for the acquisition, storage, transport, processing, display and reproduction of medical images.
From PACS to the World Wide Web
A review of the basic principles of PACS and the role of the WWW.
Providing cost-effective, off-site storage for radiological files and digital retrieval
Provides imaging support in research studies and clinical trials to various agencies. The capabilities of the lab include protocol development, and image archival and analysis for a variety of modalities.
Introduction to Teleradiology
An introduction to teleradiology for individuals with limited knowledge of this technology.
ISIS Center
Department of Radiology at Georgetown University Medical Center collaborated with the U.S. Army in developing an off the-shelf teleradiology network for Operation Joint Endeavor, the peace-keeping mission in Bosnia.
PACS and Telemedicine Resources
A private site providing a comprehensive guide for university, clinic and commercial PACS resources. Included are links to industry vendors, professional societies, tutorials, and on-line publications.
Palmaris Imaging, LLC
Provides round the clock professional teleradiology services to clinics, radiology groups, and hospitals (including emergency departments). A full staff of board certified radiologists working centrally from Chesterfield, MO
Puntoexe - DicomDrive
Import DICOM images directly into TWAIN compliant applications
Radiology Computing
Focused on servicing the teleradiology, electronic medical record and PACS sectors of medicine.
Resource and newsletter for RISPACS administrator in radiology.
Telemammography Using Satellite Communications
A teleradiology project of NASA's John H. Glenn Research Center. Mammography using satellite communications addresses the need for bringing mammography expertise, usually located in large medical facilities and high population density areas, to underserved patients in rural, low population density, and economically depressed areas.
Provides independent, world-wide, radiological opinion utilising the latest developments in communications technology in addition to a range of maritime medical services.
Teleradiology Technology Resources
Links to teleradiology products and services.
Templeton Radiology
Offers teleradiology, radiology, physician credentialing, MRI reading, digital and diagnostic imaging services. Provides FAQs and testimonials of clients.
The Cost Effectiveness of Teleradiology
A focus of a major trial conducted by the Women's and Children's Hospital (WCH) in Adelaide, South Australia, from February 1998 - February 1999.
Vision Tools 3Dview
Professional workstation for 3D volume reconstruction from CT, MRI and US machines.
Viztek Medical Imaging
Creator of telemedicine/teleradiology Onyx-RAD medical picture archiving and communications system, which is a suite of digital radiology tools.
World Wide Rad
Offers nighttime teleradiology coverage, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
X-ray management specialists provide customized solutions to diagnostic imaging departments for file moves, purges, storage and retrieval services for the x-ray file room, and management of the transition to PACS.