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Cosmetic Surgery International, New York Phallo, Salon.com - Long And Short Of It, The Barron Centers, Total Life Enhancement
A Natural Route to Better Sex?
A physician answers a question about the effectiveness of non-surgical methods and herbal treatments.
CNN: Lawsuit Filed Over Penile Enhancement Surgery
News relating to alleged malpractice. Includes sound clips taken from the case.
Grow Jobs
In depth article discussing the recent popularization of penis enlargement. Covers the risks and benefits of various methods and provides links to further resources. [Boston Phoenix]
Penile Augmentation Surgery
Study into the effectiveness of common surgical methods of penile enlargement. Includes direct feedback from men who have undergone such procedures. [Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality]
Penis Size
A physician discusses enhancement options and compares their effectiveness.
Talk Surgery - Penile Enlargement
Provides an overview of surgical enhancement procedures and discusses patient requirements, likely post-operative effects and the potential complications involved.
Thunder's Place
Contains forums and message boards concerning non-surgical methods. Free membership is required.