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About Teen Depression
Information on teen depression diagnosis, treatment and statistics.
Alice's Garden
Support and information for parents of children with depression, including a catalog of links, a discussion board and an ICQ group.
Childhood Depression
A mood disorder among children that resembles depression in adults, but shows up in very different ways in children. Interactive Glossary - TherapistFinder.net.
Children and Medication for Depression
Articles, agencies, organizations, and websites to find information and resources for issues involving the medication of children, adolescents, and teenagers for the treatment of depression.
Dealing With Teen Depression
Information and statistics on depression and suicide among adolescents.
Depression in Children and Adolescents
Information on how to identify signs of depression from early childhood children through adolescence. Discussion of treatment options.
Depression in Children and Adolescents
Diagnosis and treatment of childhood and adolescent depression.
Depression in Youth - Childhood Depression
Childhood and adolescent depression resources, from your About.com Depression Guide.
Experience Journal: Pediatric Depression
Stories and personal experiences from families with a child suffering from depression.
MerckSource - Adolescent Depression
Information about depression in teens, its causes and warning signs.
National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Associati
To educate patients, families, professionals, and the public concerning the nature of depressive and manic-depressive illness as treatable medical diseases; to foster self-help for patients and families; to eliminate discrimination and stigma; to improve access to care; and to advocate for research toward the elimination of these illnesses.
Parenting a Child with Depression
Support group for parents. Share stories, experiences, and advice.
Teen Depression
Preevention, detection, and treatment of teen depression and how to distinguish it from teen stress.
The Depressed Child
For adults who want to help depressed children. Administered by the parent of a child who died of undiagnosed depression. Chat room, list of symptoms and treatments, legislative/political developments, and resources.
Three Springs
residential treatment center for child and adolescent depression.
Three Springs
Residential treatment center for child and adolescent depression.
Understanding and Dealing With Depression in Ages
Covers symptoms of depression in children, as well as recommended treatment and advice to parents.
Wing of Madness: Children and Depression
Discusses myths about childhood depression, symptoms and treatment options.