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Body Dysmorphic
About Our Kids - Body Dysmorphic Disorder Informat, Ask the Doctor: What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?, AtHealth Chat - Body Dysmorphic Disorder, BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) Friends, BDD Central, Beauty Worlds - Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Bio-Behavioral Institute BDD Information, BioPsychiatry.com - Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Treatment in Los An, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Treatment Providers
BehaveNet Clinical Capsule: Conversion Disorder, Conversion Disorder from Emergency Medicine / Psyc, Conversion disorder- Overview, Conversion Disorders (Hysteria), Mental Health Net - Conversion Disorder
Clomipramine ( Anafranil ) and Depersonalization D, Department of Psychiatry of Mount Sinai School of , Depersonalization Disorder Research, Dpselfhelp.com : Depersonalization Community, Dreamchild - Living With Chronic Depersonalization, Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, Unreal
Body Dismorphic Disorder, Health Anxiety & Hypochondria Message Board, Hypochondria, Hypochondriasis Hub, Know Your Own Mind - Hypochondria, ParenTalk Newsletter: Hypochondria, Self-Test for Hypochondria, Somatization and Somatoform Disorders
Adolescent Medicine - Conversion and Somatization , How do Physicians Recognise Somatization?, Mental Health Net - Somatization Disorder Symptoms, Postgraduate Medicine: Simplified Approach to Soma, Somatization Disorder, Somatization disorder - Overview
Alexithymia Chatsite: for partners of people with
Support group for partners, parents, employees, and others who interact with individuals who suffer from Alexithymia.
Childhood Somatoform Disorders
Includes results from a Korean pediatric study, DSM-IV definition, epidemiology, clinical description, etiology, diagnosis and treatment information.
Dr. David B. Adams - Somatoform Disorders
Psychological.com offers an overview of this disorder.
Family Practice Notebook: Somatoform Disorder
Background information, pathophysiology, subclass list, and associated syndromes.
Pseudoseizures or Somatoform Spells, Hysteroepilep
Examination of a new nomenclature which resembles epileptic seizures but which are in reality psychogenically induced.
Psy302 - Somatoform Disorders
Lecture notes from the University of Canberra, with detailed information on this disorder and its subtypes.
Somatoform Disorder and Implicit Memory Bias (Ott
Summary of a poster presentation examining experiments comparing two sets of individuals, one set with the disorder and the second being a healthy control group.
Somatoform Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope
Familydoctor.org offers an overview, describes causes, symptoms and possible treaments.
Somatoform Disorders
Psyweb.com offers a general definition of this disorder. Includes details on the various types.
Somatoform Disorders
Presentation by Paul Young from Houghton College includes an overview, description of the types and etiology of the ailment.
The Merck Manual - Sec. 15, Ch. 186
Offers a layman's descritption of the condition.