english deutsch
Central School of Practical Nursing
Located in Cleveland, Ohio, CSPN offers a one-year certificate in practical nursing.
Christ Hospital School of Nursing
Offers a two-year nursing diploma. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Offers BSN completion and MSN. Includes curriculum, calendar, news and events, faculty, and financial information.
Ohio State University College of Nursing
Offers BSN and MSN, located in Columbus, Ohio. Includes course offerings and financial aid information.
Ohio University: Zanesville
Offers undergraduate and graduate degrees. Includes admission requirements, course list, syllabi, and faculty.
R.B. Turnbull, Jr., M.D. School of Enterostomal Th
Offers an eight week post-baccalaureate course. Includes requirements and curriculum overview.
University of Akron
College of Nursing. Offers BSN, MSN, advanced practice options and advanced track programs. Includes program information, faculty, and newsletters.
University of Cincinnati
College of Nursing and Health