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Cervical Cap
Cervical Cap, Cervical Cap, Cervical Cap Ltd., Oves Contraceptive Cap, Yahoo Groups: Diaphragm & Cervical Caps
Female, Male, Intell&ex Inc., Latex Condom Recent Advances, Future Directions, Prevention Plus, The Truth About Latex Condoms
Contraceptive Sponge
The Today Sponge makes a comeback, Today Sponge
Birth Control - Diaphragm, Diaphragm, Diaphragm, The Diaphragm, Virtual Hospital: Instructions for Diaphragm Use
Contraceptive Foam, eMedicine Health - Birth Control Spermicides, Spermicide, Spermicides, Vaginal Contraceptive Film
Female Barrier Methods
Female barrier methods are contraceptives that a woman places in her vagina before sex to prevent pregnancy. These include the diaphragm, the cervical cap, and the female condom. Fact sheet outlines their characteristics, advantages, and limitations.
Latex Allergy and Condoms
Explains that contact with latex condoms, cervical caps and diaphragms is contraindicated for those with latex allergy and discusses safer alternatives.