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Vaginal Birth after Caesarean
AAFP - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section, Can You Really VBAC It?, JS Online: Study: Labor Risky After Caesarean, Misoprostol, Risk of Uterine Rupture During Labor, Safety of Vaginal Delivery After Cesarean Section, Uterine Rupture, UterineRupture.com, Vaginal Birth after Cesarean, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Birthrites - Healing after Caesarean Inc.
Information for women planning a caesarean section or a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasarean).
Caesarean Birth.Com
A guide, a helpful resource, and a support center for those needing information and support on all aspects of Caesareans.
Caesarean Awareness Recovery Education Support - South Australia. A group of women who have birthed at least twice, and share their own difficult experiences of trying to achieve normal births after having VBAC.
Cesarean Section Infections
A study showing the risk of infections after a cesarean section in diabetic women who take insulin.
Cesarean Section Information
Internet resources for cesarean section.
Cesarian Section -- A Brief History
Discusses the history of cesarean section and ACOG. Good, historical information.
Cochrane Review
Article discusses use of Oral misoprostol for induction of labour.
Cytotec: Dangerous Experiment or Panacea?
One midwife recounts experiences and calls for action.
Dr. Clark Brittain
Vaginal birth after prior cesarean.
eMedicine Health - Cesarean Childbirth
Consumer health resource center providing information on the risks and benefits of Cesarean delivery.
Father's Grief Support
Fathers come together to offer support of those who have experienced the loss of a child due to uterine rupture.
Forced Labor
Why are obstetricians speeding deliveries with an ulcer drug that endangers mothers and their babies?
International Cesarean Awareness Network
ICAN is a nonprofit organization that works to lower the rate of unnecessary cesareans, supports vaginal birth after cesarean VBAC), and encourages positive birthing through education and advocacy.
Medical Post
One C-section doesn't have to lead to another. Discusses risk of rupture.
MediFocus Guide Preview
Medifocus is committed to providing all physicians and allied health care professionals with the most advanced and comprehensive medical literature research available.
Medifocus Preview: Uterine Rupture
Medifocus Preview: Uterine Rupture
Midwifery Today
Discussion of the drug Misoprostol (Cytotec) and the possible relationship to uterine rupture and other complications.
An article about caesarean birth, with a description, a look at when it is required, the different types, post-op care and breast feeding after.
OBGYN.net Special Feature - Irvin J. Reiner, MD
VBAC: Obstetrical Murphy's Law
Pregnancy Complication With a Tipped Uterus
In rare circumstances women with a tipped uterus may develop a uterine incarceration that may require birth by cesarean section.
Preparing for a C-Section
Personal story, information, FAQ and links prepared by an emergency room RN.
Staple Removal and Scar Photos
Photos and information about cesarean scar and staple removal.