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BabyZone, Births and Uterine Ruptures, BirthStories.Com, Jacob's Story: A Uterine Rupture Survivor, My Uterine Rupture, Uterine Rupture and VBAC, Uterine Rupture with Attempted VBAC
Birth and Breastfeeding
Shenandoah's birth stories and homebirth related articles.
Birth Stories
A collection of various stories about childbirth.
Birth Stories
Searchable collection of several hundred birth stories ranging from the perfect birth to stories with many complications.
Elissa's Story
Story of special-needs child Elissa's unassisted home birth.
Freebirth Webring
A collection of assorted websites about unassisted birth or contain unassisted birth stories.
Is Pitocin Safe
Birth story about post pardum hemorrhage/hysterectomy due to the use of Pitocin.
It's a Girl
Short story of the unassisted homebirth of Cindy Rose.
Journey To Divine Childbirth
Information from Samantha Woods inspired by her unassisted home birth. Includes birth story, birth photos, and links.
Labor Pictorial
A photo gallery of Anita's second birth -- a waterbirth at home.
Melbourne Midwifery
A collection of unassisted birth stories from Australia.
My Birth Story
By Marcie Beason: Baby delivered by mom and born in a truck.
My Struggle
Essay regarding a battle with postpartum depression.
Preventable vocal chord paralysis caused by a birt
This is the personal account of how the obstetrician injured my daughter at birth using the vacuum suction machine resulting in vocal chord paralysis.
The Natural Parenting Site
Personal view on unassisted pregnancy and unassisted parenting, with related links.
The Organic Birth
The story of one woman's natural childbirth using both Lamaze and Bradley techniques.
Two Homebirth Experiences in Finland
Story of Vilho and Rauha, born using a water pool in their new home.
Unassisted Homebirth
One family's experience with do it yourself homebirth.