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A Lighter Shade of Blue
Post partum adjustment, depression and anxiety. A resource for women to learn about symptoms and treatments.
American RadioWorks - Suffering For Two
Addresses the issues of treating or not treating women with antidepressants during and after pregnancy. Transcript available. [7:32 Realaudio broadcast]
Baby Blues Connection
Volunteer association providing information, resources and phone support to postpartum mothers.
BeyondBlue : National Postnatal Depression Program
This program aims to research and prevent postnatal depression within Australia.
Center for Postpartum Health
Addresses the pregnancy and birth needs of women and their families, before and after delivery, particularly as it pertains to the development of depression and other mood disorders.
Chicago Tribune - Descent into Darkness
Special report on postpartum depression focussing on the rarer postpartum mood disorder, postpartum psychosis. Looks at the case of two mothers. This site requires registration to access this report, but registration is free.
Depression After Delivery, Inc.
Non-profit organisation offering support, information and education for those affected by mental health issues connected with pregnancy and birth.
An article about postpartum depression including risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Developed to assist primary care health professionals to detect mothers suffering from postnatal depression.
eMedicine Health: Postpartum Depression
Extensive information about postpartum depression; including causes, symptoms and treatment. Also gives practical, self-help techniques.
Emory University Women's Mental Health Progra
Focussing on the evaluation and treatment of emotional disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Includes archive of articles covering a range of studies carried out into pregnancy related mood disorders.
Kids Health
Includes information on severity, diagnosis and treatment.
Marce Society
An international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to childbearing. Website of the Australasian Branch.
Causes, symptoms, risk factors and ways to cope.
Meet A Mum Association (MAMA)
UK registered charity setup in 1979 to help and support mothers who feel depressed and isolated after their babies are born. UK network of local support groups.
Melanie's Battle
A site attempting to raise awareness about postpartum psychosis and depression.
PND Productions
A Postnatal Depression (PND) video and CD ROM for health care professionals and parents dealing with the postnatal depression and its effects. Produced by PND counsellor, Liz Wise.
Post Natal Depression
Information, stories and support forum.
Postpartum Assistance for Mothers
Dr. Shoshana Bennett offers education and emotional support for women experiencing postpartum depression and other prenatal and postpartum mood disorders.
Postpartum Dads
Information compiled by dads who have successfully assisted their wives to fully recover. Contains firsthand resources for new fathers and information for professionals.
Postpartum Depression
Information regarding assessment of risk, causes and treatment options.
Postpartum Depression, Anxiety and Psychosis
One woman's account of her decent into and back out of postpartum depression and anxiety.
Postpartum Experience
An informational site by a mother who has suffered from PPD and is currently collecting personal experience stories in order to compile a book about a range of postpartum mood disorders.
Postpartum Feelings
Identifying and dealing with postpartum blues, serious depression and psychosis.
Postpartum Stress Center
Information on postpartum depression, including diagnosis and self help and message boards.
Postpartum Support International
Information on the treatment of postpartum illness and listings of US support groups with links to International support resources.
Postpartum Support International
A self-help support network, research guide and international bibliography on postpartum depression. Includes a self-assessment test.
PPD Support Page
Offering peer support and resources to people dealing with postpartum mood disorders.
Pregnancy and Depression
A compilation of online information about depression during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Focus is primarily on antidepressants and most links are to research-based information.
Royal College of Psychiatrists: Post Natal Depress
Patient information focussing on the diagnosis and quick treatment of PND, including a list of tips for helping relieve the effects of PND.
Surrey Post Natal Depression
Support and information site developed by East Surrey Primary Care Trust in conjunction with local mothers who have experienced postnatal depression.
The Association for Post Natal Illness
Information and advice from the UK charity. Includes available leaflets and newsletter.
The Functions of Postpartum Depression
A research article proposing an evolutionary function for postpartum depression.
The Massachusetts General Hospital Perinatal Psych
A women's mental health center dedicated to the evaluation and treatment of psychiatric disorder associated with female reproductive function.
The Ruth Rhoden Craven Foundation, Inc
Providing information and support to women suffering from postpartum depression. Includes medical resources and treatment information.
UCLA Pregnancy & Postpartum Mood Disorders Pro
A comprehensive center devoted to the study and treatment of emotional difficulties associated with pregnancy and the postpartum.
Understanding Postnatal Depression
Information and tips for mothers and families affected by PND, compiled by a mother who has experienced the illness herself. Provides two forums for sharing experiences and support.
Understanding Postnatal Depression
UK mental health charity information booklet with extensive information about postnatal depression, including signs, causes, self-help and support.
Web MD: Postpartum Depression
For the one in 10 new dads whose partners suffer from postpartum depression, it can be a frightening and lonely experience. Looking at PPD from the Father's perspective.
WebMD: Behind the Smile
Marie Osmond visited WebMD Live to discuss her struggle with postpartum depression (PPD). PPD can seem overwhelming, but with proper help, it can be treated.
Information resource for postpartum depression, depression in pregnancy, infertility, PMS, menopause, pregnancy loss and other reproductive mental health issues.