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ABC News in Science: Now Red Wine Can Help the Lun, About.com: Wine and Health, Addiction Science Made Easy: Red Wine & Alcoho, AIM-Digest: Red Wine May Keep Prostate Cancer Cell, AScribe Newswire: Tumors in Mice Delayed by Red Wi, AWARE, BBC News: A Daily Dose of Wine Could Improve the B, BBC News: Red Wine 'Can Stop Herpes', BBC News: Red Wine 'Protects From Colds', BBC News: Why Red Wine is Healthier
Alcohol and Health
Describes scientific medical evidence about the effects of moderate alcohol consumption on health and longevity.
BostonHerald.com: Women Age Better with a Fine Win
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine finds that moderate alcohol consumption among women aged 70 to 81 was associated with better memory, and less deterioration of memory over time.
CNN.com: Light Drinking May Cut Stroke Risk
Studies have indicated that drinking alcohol in moderation can cut heart attack risks, and new research supports the theory that the same holds true for preventing strokes.
di-ve.com: The Importance of Moderate Frequent Alc
The protective effect of alcohol consumption against coronary heart disease has been known for some time. An 11-year follow-up study of 10,000 UK civil servants emphasizes the significance of frequency of alcohol consumption, as opposed to the total weekly intake.
Forbes.com: U.S. Report Backs Drinking in Moderati
A review of studies, conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, recommends moderate alcohol consumption for most people, based on the cardiovasular and other health benefits.
Healthy Drinking Science
Investigative journalist Gene Ford presents a large and comprehensive collection of articles and commentary on the subject of sensible and healthy alcohol consumption. Includes a research reference archive.
HeartCenterOnline: Moderate Drinking can Benefit H
Researchers at Heidelberg University in Germany find evidence of alcohol's protective effect on coronary artery disease even after balloon angioplasty treatment.
International Herald Tribune: It's (Almost) O
New York Times article summarizes some of the research over the last 30 years which points to the mainly beneficial effects of moderate alcohol consumption.
JAMA: Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Hea
Increasing levels of moderate alcohol consumption are associated with a decreasing risk of heart failure among older persons. Journal of the American Medical Association.
JAMA: Protective Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consu
The protective effect of moderate consumption of alcohol was found in various populations. Journal of the American Medical Association.
Medical News Today: Moderate Drinking Raises Hormo
A study done at TNO Nutrition and Food Research, Netherlands suggests that moderate drinkers have better hormone levels than heavy drinkers or people who do not drink any alcohol at all.
Rocky Mountain News: Moderate Drinking Good for Wo
Research reported in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research found better health and physical functioning especially in women who reported light to moderate alcohol consumtion.
ScienceDaily: Alcohol Linked to Decreased Hyperten
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US find that moderate alcohol consumption in women was beneficial to blood pressure and at high levels it was harmful.
Telegraph News: Alcohol Sharpens Your Brain, Say R
A long-term UK-based study reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a significant positive correlation between alcohol consumption and cognitive ability, probably due to alcohol's reduction of the risk of cardiovascular disease, and increased blood flow to the brain. The effect was strongest among women.
The Globe and Mail: A Drink a Day Keeps the Bats F
A US medical study of people aged 65 and over, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, finds that light to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower risks of developing dementia.
Web MD: Moderate Drinking May Prevent Type 2 Diabe
Review of 15 studies, published in the journal Diabetes Care, reports that consumption of up to four standard drinks per day reduced the overall risk of adult onset diabetes by as much as 30%.
Wine Spectator: Drinking Alcohol Reduces Risk Fact
A study published in the medical journal Atherosclerosis finds that senior citizens who drink beverage alcohol are less likely to develop heart disease than teetotalers.
Wine Spectator: Drinking Has Little Effect on Risk
Reports on an epidemiological study by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine, which showed no difference in risks, based on alcohol consumption.
Wine Spectator: Frequent Drinking Lowers Chance of
A study which appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine finds that people who drink alcoholic beverages more often have a reduced chance of developing heart disease.
Wine Spectator: Moderate Alcohol Consumption May B
Statistics Canada data indicates a beneficial effect on heart disease in Canadian women who report moderate alcohol consumption.