english deutsch
Cancer Prevention Coalition: Milk: America?s Healt
How recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone increases Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 in milk and how it is related to increased risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
Consumer Health Journal: Hormones in Milk Are Link
Alison Stewart's article on the presence of IGF-1 in milk from both treated and untreated cows, and an analysis of the studies connecting it to cancer.
Europa: Growth Promoting Hormones Pose Health Risk
The EU Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health confirmed that the use of hormones as growth promoters for cattle poses a potential health risk to consumers.
Milk and the Cancer Connection
Review of the evidence linking the consumption of milk from cows treated with bovine growth hormone with an increased risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer.
Organic Consumers Association: Bovine Growth Hormo
Collection of news and articles about the use of rBGH, the health concerns related to IGF-1 in milk, legal challenges and government regulations.
Think Before You Drink
Explanation of IGF-1, health risks, and industry reaction.