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American Heartburn Association
Information about the condition and its treatment, patient and doctor resources, message board and a chat room.
Dietary and Self Help for Heartburn Sufferers
An educational resource for patients suffering from heartburn and GERD complications.
Gastric Reflux Support for Infants and Children
New Zealand: provides phone support, newsletters & coffee groups.
Interactive online support group for people suffering from GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease).
GERDKids2 Reflux Support Group
A support group for parents of children who have GERD (reflux) and other motility disorders.
Heartburn - Information and Treatment
Chinese medicine information and treatment of heartburn, the name given to indigestion which causes a burning sensation in the stomach and/or chest. Discussion area and treatment sales.
Heartburn Helpline--GERD Awareness
Facts about GERD and why it could be the cause of frequent heartburn
Infant Gastric Reflux Stories
The goal of the Gastric Reflux Support Network (NZ) is to provide support and information to parents or guardians of children with reflux throughout NZ.
Infant Reflux : InfantReflux.Org
Features message boards and advice on symptoms, tips, medicines, procedures, products and specialists.
National Heartburn Alliance
A thorough overview of information on heartburn and related conditions, including treatment options.
Our Gerd Kids
For parents and concerned others of children with reflux and other motility disorders. Includes a message board and chat.
Reflux disease (gerd)
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of GERD and its causes, symptoms and treatment.
Student Health Resources: Rutgers University
An overview of heartburn and related issues and conditions, written for the college-age audience.