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Epinions: Water Filters
Consumer-generated reviews, buying tips and advice, ratings, price information, and searchable in a variety of ways from price to product type.
Home Water Treatment Using Activated Carbon
Discussion and guidelines from a 1997 article from the Michigan State University Extension.
HowStuffWorks: Charcoal Filters
What is activated charcoal and why is it used in filters?
HowStuffWorks: Reverse Osmosis
How does reverse osmosis work to purify or filter the water?
Shower Filter Comparisons
Presents facts about the different varieties, as well as their features and benefits.
Treatment Systems for Household Water Supplies - A
1992 article from the North Dakota State University Extension Service explaining in detail what activated charcoal systems can and cannot do.
Water Filter Comparisons
Presents compiled data on 10 products on the market. Comparison based on each product's initial purchase price, the quality and ongoing cost of the water they produce, ease of installation and ongoing maintenance requirements.
Water Filters Guide
Offers information about water filters and filtration methods, and buying tips.