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A is for Apple
Twenty recipes such as punches, glug, iced tea, cider tea, wassail, apple snow, and limeade. From the Processed Apples Institute.
Apple Brandy Brew
A blend of apple wine, apple cider, peach brandy and cinnamon, warmed in the crockpot.
Apple Juice with Mint
Made with a juice extractor, using apples, lemon juice, and mint.
Apple Shake from Living and Raw Foods
A simple and basic recipe made with banana, green apples, oranges, and brewer's yeast.
Autumn Apple Punch
Making 12 serving, this recipe uses pineapple, lemon and orange juice, and ginger ale.
Beverage Recipes from Michigan Apple Committee
Using juice, cider, and other apple products.
Bobbing Apple Punch from Recipezaar
Made with apple cider, fruit juices, ginger ale, and chopped fruit. Yields 8 to 10 servings.
Carrot Apple Juice from All-Creatures.org
Simple recipe using a high powered blender.
Carrot-Apple Juice
From the FatFree archives, a low fat vegetarian mailing list.
Christmas Wassail
Cinnamon and cloves added to a blend of orange juice concentrate, pineapple juice, and apple cider. From Culinary Café.
Cider from Virginia Apples
Microwave spiced mulled cider using pumpkin spice. Serves 4 to 5.
Cider Snap from Recipezaar
Made in microwave with juice or cider and red cinnamon candies. Yields 2 servings.
Cinnamon Apple Tea from All-Creatures.org
Made with water, juice or cider, and cinnamon.
Dutch Apple Punch
Contains cinnamon sticks, apple and orange juice, and sparkling apple cider.
Hot Apple Cider from Allrecipes
Calls for fresh cider and pure maple syrup. Serves 6. Ratings, recipe scaling, and nutritional information available.
Hot Buttered Apple Cider at Allrecipes
Hot cider sweetened with maple syrup and topped with butter, nutmeg, and allspice. Makes 8 servings. Recipe scaling and nutritional information available.
Hot Mulled Cider
Yields 2 quarts of hot, spiced, non alcoholic drink, using brown sugar, cinnamon sticks, whole allspice, nutmeg, and whole cloves.
Hot Mulled Cider in the Crock-Pot
Simmers 2 to 8 hours, so you can even prepare it the night before.
Hot Peach Cobbler
Hot cider to which non-alcoholic peach schnapps is added.
Hot Spiced Apple Juice or Cider from All-Creatures
Heated in slow cooker and seasoned with allspice, cinnamon, and cloves.
Hot Spiced Cider
Using cloves, allspice, cinnamon, citrus peel, and maple syrup. Recipe presented on Good Morning America.
Hot Spiced Cider
Make this hot drink in a crock-pot or a 30-cup coffee maker. Yields 1 gallon.
Hot Spiced Cider from Recipezaar
Blend of cider, sugar, whole cloves, whole allspice, and cinnamon sticks. Yields 16 servings.
Hot Spiked Cider
Made by steeping orange spice tea bags. Light brown sugar, apple cider, light rum, cinnamon sticks, and butter are then added to the tea.
Mulled Cider
A basic, simple recipe from Sweet'N Low using cider, cinnamon, whole cloves, ginger, and nutmeg.
Mulled Cider
Uses cider, lemon juice, brown sugar, whole cloves, cinnamon stick, dry ginger root, and freshly grated nutmeg. From "Canadian Christmas Cooking" by Rose Murray. Yields 6 servings.
Spicy Mulled Cider from Recipezaar
Non-alcoholic, using lemon juice, and brown sugar. Yields 2 quarts.