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Anthony's Jerky
One recipes for beef jerky using a dehydrator.
Beef Jerky Recipe
A detailed recipe and instructions for making jerky in the oven.
Great Jerky Recipes
A collection of jerky recipes, including pemmican, and Hawaiian jerky.
Jerky Recipes
Jerky recipes message board, with free exotic recipes of crocodile, emu, kangaroo, beef jerky, and other exotic food recipes.
Jerky Recipes at RecipeSource.com
Close to 100 recipes from various cuisines, including Chinese and Native American, for beef, turkey, tofu, or venison jerky.
Just Jerky Recipes
Beef, turkey, tofu, venison, plus a variety of marinades.
Low Salt Jerky
Relies on low salt soy sauce.
Making Beef And Turkey Jerky
How to make, season and cook jerky, with recipes.
Matt's Beef Jerky
A simple recipe featuring red wine.
My Recipe For Beef Jerky
One recipe for beef jerky.
Susie Q's Jerky Recipes
A nice index of jerky recipes, including oriental and smoke styles.