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Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Growing Chile Peppers, Chayote & Corn Stuffed Chilies, Chile Pepper Heat Scoville Scale, Chili Pepper Plants, Chili Peppers Recipes, Chilli Peppers Restaurant, Chipotle Chili Peppers, GourmetSleuth - How To Roast Fresh Chili Peppers, Jalapeno Bites, Jalapeno Hot Salsa
Authentic Hungarian Stuffed Green Peppers, Crab Stuffed Green Peppers, Filfil Mahshi (Stuffed Peppers), Green Pepper Stuffed With Lamb, Lentil Stuffed Peppers, Oven Bag Stuffed Peppers, Peppers, Stuffed Green Pepper With Doufu, Sweet Roasted Red Bell Pepper Sauce
Site offers a small collection of pepper recipes.
Selecting, Storing and Serving Ohio Peppers
Information provided by Ohio State University Extension.
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peppers
This fact sheet offers tips about peppers, a vegetable used in a variety of dishes as seasoning, garnish, main dish, or relish.
Watch Your Garden Grow - Peppers
Information on all types of peppers and recipes in which to use them.