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Bijani, Laleh and Ladan
Conjoined Twins: Freedom Is To Die For, Medical Modeling - Ladan and Laleh Bijani, Till Death Do Us Part
Chats and Forums
Yahoo! Groups: Families of Conjoined Twins, Yahoo! Groups: Friends of Conjoined Twins, Yahoo! Groups: Real Conjoined Twins
Headley, Dao and Duan
NOVA Transcripts: Siamese Twins
Hensel, Abigail and Brittany
Hensel Twins, Joined for Life, The Freedom of Love, The Hensel Twins, Yahoo! Groups - Friends of Abby and Brittany
Ibrahim, Mohamed and Ahmed
Conjoined Twins Profile: Ahmed and Mohamed Ibrahim, Dallas News: Ibrahim twins, Egyptian Twins: Mohamed and Ahmed Ibrahim, FAQ: Twins' Separation
Jodie and Mary
Jodie and Mary: The medical facts, Jodie and Mary: Whose Choice Was It Anyway?, Law Decided Fate of Mary and Jodie, Separating Conjoined Twins, Separating Conjoined Twins Jodie and Mary, Surviving Siamese Twin Gracie Goes Home to Gozo, The Case of the Siamese Twins
Quiej Alvarez, Maria Teresa and Maria de Jesus
Conjoined Twins Profile: Maria Teresa and Maria de, Healing the Children Special Update, Maria de Jesus and Maria Teresa Quiej Alvarez, Vital Images Case Studies
Schappell, Lori and Reba
Face To Face: The Schappell Twins, Lori and Reba Schappell, Twin: Keep it together
Smith, Victoria and Brynleigh
CNN.com: Smith Twins Interview Transcript, Conjoined twins born at Wilford Hall Medican Cente, Conjoined twins die after taken off life support, Victoria and Brynleigh Smith
Turner, Iesha and Tiesha
Conjoined Twins Celebrate Five Years Of Separation, Conjoined Twins Profile: Tiesha and Iesha Turner, Twins separated 10 years ago doing fine
About.com: Conjoined Twins
Links to informative sites on conjoined twins, also known as siamese twins.
CNN.com: Conjoined Twins and Parents of Conjoined
Transcript of a Larry King Live show, with interviews from the parents of the Stark twins, the Schappell twins as well as a doctor assisting on a separation.
Conjoined Twins
Contains high quality images and organized information on the different types, rare forms, how they are formed, ethics, and etymology.
Conjoined Twins - Separation Issues
Information on what conjoined twins are, as well as the ethical and moral issues that arise when separation is considered.
Conjoined Twins International
A support group for families with conjoined twins. A fairly inactive group, but the site provides information and links.
Facts About Multiples: Conjoined Twins
Information on conjoined twins throughout the centuries, records of oldest, fastest separation etc. Diagrams on the types of conjoinment, as well as a list of conjoined twins in the world.
Horizon: Conjoined Twins
Pictures and a transcript of an interview with the conjoined Schappell twins, and the Krivoshylapova twins.
Joined: The World of Siamese Twins
History of conjoined twins, separation issues, recent cases, photos and profiles of conjoined twins.
Ratt's Phreeque Show
A collection of pictures and information on various conjoined twins, as well as parasitic twins, the history of conjoined twins in sideshows, as well as other sideshow anomalies.
Separated at Birth
Interview with Charles and Charleu Tenorio, born in 1973 in north-east Brazil. They were separated at nine months of age. [The Guardian]
Social History of Conjoined Twins
An essay detailing the history of conjoined twins, with pictures and case studies.
Twinstuff.com: Conjoined Twins
An essay on the types of conjoined twins, as well as pictures of some famous sets.
Types of Conjoined Twins
A breakdown of the types of conjoined twins, and what the types consist of.