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Central Illinois Water Gardeners, Eastern Iowa Pond Society, International Waterlily Society, Miami Valley Water Garden Society, Nashville Pond Society (TN), North Texas Water Garden Society, Topeka Area Water Garden Society, Wabash Valley Water Garden Society, Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City
Chats and Forums
American Water Gardening Society, Aquaria Central Forums, GardenWeb: Ponds & Aquatic Plants, Hallson Gardens Forums, JB's Water Gardening Forum, Mississippi Wildlife Forums: Farm Pond Management , PondHobbyist.com
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
AOU: Building a Pond, Building a Pitcher Plant Bog, Do You Want to Build a Pond?, Fishpondinfo.com, Greg's Goldfish and Koi Farm, Half-Barrel Pond Page, IHeartMyPond.com, Justin's rec.ponds FAQ, LaBrake's Garden Path And Pond, Pondinfo.com
Personal Pages
A Pond in Kelligrews, All About My Ponds, Backyard Puddle, Betty's Bait and Minnow Farm, Biggs' Wildlife Pond, Bill & Julia's Water Garden, Blondie's Water Gardens, Bruce's Pond Page, Cindy's Pond, CJ's Adventures In Ponding
Suite101: Water Gardening
Monthly column by Marie Miczak on a variety of water gardening topics. Links to topical discussions.
Web Ring: The Creation of Ponds
Links to and short descriptions of web pages offering pond building information.