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Andrew's Carnivorous Plants
New Zealand enthusiast shows photos of carnivorous plants taken in the wild, in the Wellington Botanical Garden, and at his home, and lists species and hybrids he grows.
Buckeye Carnivores
Photographs and descriptions of a personal collection of sundews, venus fly traps, and pitcher plants.
Cambridge Carnivorous
Enthusiast provides basic information on growing carnivorous plants, an overview of species native to the UK, photos of his collection, and links to other resources.
Carnivorous Plants
Hobbyist's collection of carnivorous plant photos, both from his own collection and from trips to Florida and California.
Emre's Carnivorous Plants
Istanbul amateur grower shares pictures of collection, including some showing insect prey.
Hunting Veggies
German growers show photos of their plants, and of the Sri Lanka nursery they visited. Site also offers DVD movies from carnivorous plant events. In German and English.
Kamil Pásek
Czech amateur grower shows off his collection, with many close-up photos.
Marc's Carnivorous Plants
Belgian hobby grower provides background information, and lists the plants in his collection, some with photos.
Michael Zenner's Carnivorous Plants
Amateur grower provides information on many species, with photos and cultivation information detailing his personal experience.
Murevärn's Carnivorous Plants
Photos with species and sub-species names. Instructions for building a six-sided glass terrarium.
My Amateur Carnivorous Plants Site
Hobby grower provides background and cultivation information on carnivorous plants, and a listing of species with several photos.
My Carnivorous Plants
Descriptions and photos of various carnivorous plants along with notes about which plant species are hardy and which are not hardy.
The Carnivorous Plant Web
Features several articles and photo galleries, about cultivated carnivores as well as wild ones.
The Greenhouse, It's Scary
Photographs and descriptions of carnivorous plants grown in a home greenhouse.