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Associations, American Dahlia Society Classification and Handboo, Cal's Dahlia Home Page, Dahlia Diseases, Dahlia-net, Dahlias, Dahlias in B.C., The National Dahlia Collection, WebEgan Dahlia Garden
Delphiniums, English Delphiniums, Alaskan Style
A Dianthus Primer
Daisy Paradise
Information on daisies or daisy plants, their propagation, botany, pests and diseases, plant care and photographs of the members of the compositae family.
Diascias etc
Christine Boulby is a co-holder of the British National Collection of Diascias. This site contains a listing with photos of the diascia holdings, as well as information on hardiness, pests and diseases, and propagation.
Features photographs and a description of this South African daisy.