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Dave's Garden PlantFiles: Genus Penstemon
Index page with links to all species and varieties of penstemon listed in the PlantFiles database of member-provided plant information and photos.
Kemper: Penstemon digitalis
Plant portrait of foxglove beardtongue with cultural information, photos, and noteworthy characteristics.
Las Pilitas: California Penstemons
Two pages with pictures, brief descriptions, and cultural requirements of penstemons native to California, for dry-area and moist-area species.
Paghat's Garden: 'Bashful' Beard-to
One of a series of plant portrait pages documenting penstemons in this Pacific Northwest garden. Varieties featured are 'Bashful', 'Prairie Dusk', 'Midnight Blue', 'Ruby', 'Apple Blossom', 'Sour Grapes', and 'Garnet'.
Based on Penstemon growing and the Western Algarve.
Plant Hoe Gardening: The Glorious Penstemons
Home gardener presents a gallery with some information of penstemon varieties growing in the garden.
The Penstemon Website
Enthusiast's collection of links, information (both for gardeners and botanists), and photographs of penstemon species and varieties.
The Penstemons: Seed Germination Methodology
Two pages in Tom Clothier's extensive plant germination database dedicated exclusively to penstemon species, which are often finnicky and require a wide variety of germination conditions.