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A.I.A.S. Show
The Italian Suiseki Lovers Association. Photo galleries of stones, displays and people; with descriptions.
California Suiseki Society
Membership information and image galleries.
Feliz Rivera Suiseki
Galleries and a brief history on each piece or work.
Nippon Suiseki Association
History and how-to from the Japanese suiseki association. English pages available.
Presents an overview, history, gallery, and classification information.
A guide and community for collectors.
The Viewing Stone
Information, glossary, classification and images of viewing stones.
Viewing Stones, Suiseki & Chinese Scholar Ston
List of suiseki sites maintained by National Bonsai Federation: personal pages, clubs, exhibitions, sales and link to Viewing Stones mailing list.
Yung Ji's Rocky Mountain Suiseki
Collection with descriptions, image archive and information.