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Classical Net
Comprehensive collection of information and news: articles, CD reviews, composers and their music, the basic repertoire, recommended compositions and recordings.
Concise History of Western Music
An online tutor for the 2nd edition of Barbara Russano Hanning's book about the development of musical genres in Western Europe. Study aids include chapter outlines, quizzes and listening guides.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra for Kids
Instrument encyclopedia, orchestra seating chart, games, music theory, classroom activities, and information about attending the symphony.
Discover ESO
Learn about the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, as well as musical instruments, musicians, and composers. Also offers games and quizzes.
From the Top
Explore the world of classical music by meeting other young musicians. Discover and find musical facts, stories, or guides to all things music-related.
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra - Kids Online
Offers games, classical concert and musician information to kids and their families.
Music History Resources
Outlines and timelines covering the development of genres from the Middle Ages to the present. Includes notes about composers and stylistic characteristics.
New York Philharmonic KidZone
Users can hear instruments, watch interviews with musicians and follow the orchestra around the world, as well as learn about composers, create their own music, and read about the symphony's conductors.
SoYouWanna Learn About Classical Music?
Light-spirited history of the different styles, composers, and famous pieces from the last 1500 years in music.