english deutsch
Anime on DVD
Contains a review of the DVD, and a list of features.
Contains information about the episodes, and a review.
Digitally Obsessed
A review of the DVD with information about the episodes.
DVD Authority
Disc details, review of the series, and comments on DVD quality.
DVD Movie Central
A review of the content and quality of the production.
DVD Movie Guide
Synopses of the episodes and details about the extra features found on the disc.
DVD of the Week
Synopses and capsule reviews of all nine episodes, with a brief comment on disc quality.
DVD Talk
Reviews the component episodes, the sound quality and extra features.
DVD Town
The separate sections are reviewed and an overall score given for quality, sound and features.
Disc review, list of special features, overall rating and multimedia gallery.
Disc details, photographs, rating and review.
Information about the series, with photographs, release dates and character profiles.
The Animatrix
Official site for the series. Includes information, interviews, screenshots of episodes, and Flash previews.
The Animatrix Re-Animated
Features reviews and screenshots from each of the component episodes.
The Cinema Laser
A review of the DVD, with pictures.