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Electric Playground
Review, by Chris Hudak: "It comes down to this: Expert Pool is aptly named---if you?re fairly seasoned and just want to virtually play some pool, you won?t find a better-looking, more complete engine." [Score: 7 out of 10]
Review, by Nash Werner: "In the end, it was the realism, control, and sheer amount of game-types that really made Expert Pool fun for me."
Provides information, screenshots, and a review.
Review, by Trent C. Ward: "There's no doubt that Expert Pool is an excellent pool simulator, and I would recommend it to just about anyone who's interested in the sport." [Score: 8.3 out of 10]
The Adrenaline Vault
Review, by David Laprad: "Psygnosis and Visual Sciences have succeeded in recreating that intangible feeling of atmosphere and anticipation that surrounds pool, sans the beer and cigarettes." [Score: 4 out of 5]