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Information, reviews, cheats, FAQs, and a message board.
Review, by Bro Buzz: "You can never get enough of a classic. Super Mario 64 is essentially here with enough DS goodies to make a compelling dual-screen package."
Review, by Jeff Gerstmann: "All things considered, Super Mario 64 DS is a great update of a classic game." [Score: 8.4 out of 10]
GameSpy DS
Review, by Phil Theobald: "This is easily the best launch title in the DS lineup." [Score: 5 out of 5]
Review, by Louis Bedigian: "Mario 64 had the power to hook us in 1996. Its powers are just as strong in 2004." [Score: 8.9 out of 10]
Gaming Age
Review, by Craig Majaski: "Out of all the launch games, and I?ve played them all, Super Mario 64 DS is the best one out there." [Grade: A-]
Description, data, release dates, box art, and cheats.
Review, by Craig Harris: "While I would have loved to experience a brand new Super Mario game that incorporated and integrated the system's capabilities, it's at least great to experience a well-produced and expanded version of a tried-and-true formula." [Score: 8.9 out of 10]
Review, by Austin Starr: "The game is filled with enough challenge to keep even the most experienced gamer on their toes." [Score: 9.2 out of 10]