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EA Games
Official publisher's site. Includes game details, screenshots and downloads.
GameSpot - Review (GameCube)
Review, by Matthew Gallant: "There are only 17 levels in the game, and while the nine main levels are very large, the others aren't very complex." [Score: 7.5 out of 10]
GameSpy - Review (Xbox)
Review, by Steve Steinberg: "Not the most original platformer available, but a solid and very playable game nonetheless." [Score: 82 out of 100]
IGN - Review (PlayStation 2)
Review, by Jeremy Dunham and Kaiser Hwang: "There's item collecting, a hub world connecting several elemental mini-worlds, and lots of characters full of personality." [Score: 7.9 out of 10]
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Official developer's site. Provides news, screenshots, fan art, and an area for kids.