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Chicago Tribune - Kid News
Includes news, features, book talk and how-to articles aimed at kids and teenagers. USA.
Indianapolis Star - Y-Press
Children's news network also offers book, movie and music reviews plus Special Editions focusing on specific issues. USA.
LA Times - Kids' Reading Room
News and stories about California-related history, culture and issues. Includes streaming audio of stories read by Los Angeles Times staff. USA.
New York Times - Student Connections
News and features including news quizzes, Ask a Reporter, and a web explorer for kids. USA.
News for kids plus Ask a Journalist, Meet the Editor and A Day at the Newspaper sections. Presented by the Newspapers in Education (NiE) resource for the major Fairfax newspapers. New Zealand.
The Hindu - Young World
National and international news and features for children and students from the national newspaper. India.
Wall Street Journal - The Classroom Edition
Online copy of the current issue along with archives of related articles. Teen Center includes information on college admissions and finance, personal technology and financial tips. USA.
Washington Post: Kids Post
News, features, interviews, background stories, daily news summaries and weekly photo galleries. USA. Free registration may be required to read the articles.