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Antarctic Explorers: James Cook
Biography of the explorer with details of his Southern Ocean voyages.
Captain Cook
The National Maritime Museum answers common questions about Cook's life and his explorations.
Captain James Cook - British Navigator and Explore
Short biography, sketch, and related links.
Captain James Cook: An Original Biography by Natha
Detailed biography also includes pictures and family tree.
Cook, James
Article from Encarta Encyclopedia provides an overview of Cook's life and accomplishments.
European Explorers: James Cook
Presents links to pages suitable for fifth and sixth graders. Includes description of each site.
James Cook: A British Explorer
A student's illustrated report on Cook's life.
The Hunterian Museum: Captain Cook
Short biography and silhouette from the University of Glasgow.
Voyages of Discovery - The Life of Captain James C
The story of Cook's life and voyages. Includes portrait and excerpts from Cook's logs.