english deutsch
Amanda the Panda
Provides support to grieving children and their families through a chat room and a bulletin board.
I Miss My Dad
After a parent dies, it's common to wish we could still talk to them. On this site, kids post email messages to a parent that has died, for all to read.
I Will Remember You: Questions and Answers
Dr. Elena Lister answers teen questions on grief.
Grief support for kids that have have suffered a loss, provided by other kids. Question and answer, peer support and stories. Site monitored by adults.
Losing A Parent
Personal page by someone that lost a parent as a young adult. Includes poems, stories submitted by others and related links.
Offers information and support for kids hurt by the death of someone close. Designed by kids, with interaction and games.
Someone in My Friend's Family Died - What Sho
When friends lose someone they love - a brother, a sister, a parent, or even a pet - sometimes they change for a while.
When Somebody Dies
It's difficult, even for grown-ups, to understand why death must happen. This article tries to help kids understand.
Young Adults Losing Parents
Personal page describes coping with the loss of a father at age 20. Article is aimed at people ages 15-30.