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4literature.net - works by Lewis Carroll
Online archive of classic literature by Lewis Carroll at 4literature.net.
Adventures In Wonderland
Recounts the tale of the girl who falls asleep and has a most peculiar dream of falling down a hole into a world she has never seen.
Alice in Wonderland
A read-aloud version of the classic story complete with illustrations from John Tenniel and 10 other artists.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Complete text with the original Tenniel illustrations.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Car
An unabridged, dramatic audio performance of Lewis Carroll's classic story of Alice and her adventures in Wonderland.
Alice's Adventures Under Ground
A shorter version of the original Alice tales.
Bibliomania: Lewis Carroll
An introduction to Carroll's writings, summaries of his most popular works, and online texts.
Carroll Texts On-line
An index of online texts for Lewis Carroll.
Carroll, Lewis
Articles about Carroll's life and works, as well as links to online texts. From about.com.
ClassicReader.com - Lewis Carroll
Offers three of Carroll's fictional works.
Jabberwocky - Electronic Text
Etext for Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.
Lewis Carroll Collection - University of Virginia
Electronic texts of titles by Lewis Carroll archived by the University of Virginia.
Lewis Carroll Electronic Texts
Electronic text for the works of Lewis Carroll archived at the University of Pennsylvania Digital Library.
Online Literature Library: Lewis Carroll
Archive of Carroll's more well-known writings, including Alice in Wonderland and "The Hunting of the Snark."
The Nursery Alice
Complete online text of Carroll's own adaptation of Alice in Wonderland for young children. Includes colored reproductions of the original Tenniel illustrations.
The Poetry Archives: Lewis Carroll
A selection of poems.
Under The Sun
This site offers the works of Lewis Carroll online for all to read, as well as links to Carroll resources on the web, and a biography.