english deutsch
Cliche Finder
A searchable database of overused expressions, with a fun feature creating a random list.
Common Errors in English
An explanation of common English usage errors and how to avoid making them.
Commonly Confused Words
Presents a list of words often used wrongly in scientific and technical writing.
Deadwood Phrases
A list of unnecessary expressions which can be replaced by single words, making sentences less convoluted.
Dictionary of English: Clichés, Pretentious Langua
Presents a list of examples of three kinds of language to avoid, with an explanation of why they are not recommended.
Garbl's Editorial Style Manual
Searchable advice on abbreviations, capitalization, grammar, numbers, punctuation, spelling and word usage.
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Features searchable index of grammatical rules, explanations, comments on style, and usage suggestions.
Plain English Campaign
Working internationally to try to get public information written in plain English, instead of using gobbledygook, jargon and legalese. Includes examples, with annual awards for the worst offenders.
Plain Language
A guide to help writers avoid confusing language and long-windedness. Can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF.
Right Words
A series of short articles about grammar and punctuation, with light hearted examples of common mistakes.
The Sports Cliche List
A searchable collection of cliches used by American teams, fans, coaches and commentators, with humorous comments and sound clips.