english deutsch
"Do We" Really Know Dewey?
Learn about the Dewey Decimal system in a website designed by 6th graders. Includes basic prerequisite library skills.
Dewey Challenge Game
Answer the questions to earn a Dewey Master Medal. There are three levels - Junior, Master, and Pro.
Dewey Decimal Classification System
Lists the subject associated with each number from 000 to 999. Also available in Spanish.
Dewey to the Rescue
Online tour of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system.
Let's Do Dewey
Explains how books are assigned their call numbers, and gives a brief account of the life of Melville Dewey.
Middletown Thrall Library: Do the Dewey!
An interactive quiz on the Dewey Decimal System. It has 3 levels.
Where can I find....?
Explains what call numbers are and lists some topics can be found in each of the 10 main divisions of the Dewey Decimal System. Includes some sample book titles for each section.