english deutsch
Astro Kids: Saturn
Provides images and facts about the size, the rings, the temperature and the moons of the planet.
Astronomy for Kids: Saturn
Includes details about the size, the position, the movement and the moons of the planet.
Astronomy for Kids: Saturn
Offers details regarding the location, the visibility, the size and the rings of the planet.
Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan
Explore the beautiful ringed planet Saturn and its moon Titan, and learn about the spacecraft currently on their way there.
KidsAstronomy.com: Saturn
Details about the origin of this name, its meaning in Greek mythology, and facts about the gravity, the rings and the moons of the planet.
World Almanac for Kids: Saturn
Offers details about the atmosphere, the magnetosphere, the ring system and the satellites of the planet.