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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
Research into global climate change. Features a daily quiz, information on research locations, photographs and an explanation of global warming.
Carbon For Kids
Helps kids learn about greenhouse gases and global warming.
Cool Kids For A Cool Climate
Explanation of global warming, causes and effects, kids' stories, ways to take action, links, and news.
EarthPulse Center's Global Warming Lab
Interactive site features the work and opinions of several scientists studying global warming and its impacts.
EcoKids: Planet Protectors
Stop carbon dioxide from taking over the world and changing the face of the planet forever in this interactive adventure.
EPA Global Warming Kids Site
Focuses on science and impacts of global warming or climate change, and on actions that help address global warming. Features games, events, and links to other relevant sites for kids and educators.
Global Warming
Summarizes current arguments concerning global warming. Includes various points of view and some of the basic problems in following the science.
Global Warming Facts and Our Future
Examines the greenhouse effect, carbon cycle, causes and effects, predictions, and responses to change. Includes teaching activities, links, and suggestions for further reading. From the Marian Koshland Science Museum.
Heat Watch
Interactive learning center designed to help students understand the problem of global warming. A Thinkquest site.
Mercury Rising: Bearing Witness to Climate Change
A photo-documentary production about Earth's response to global warming. Includes a 12-day web expedition in Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud forest, the location of important climate change studies.
The Case of the Warming Planet
Mr. and Mrs. Cool hire the Rain or Shine Detective Agency to investigate why winters are getting shorter and summers are getting longer.
WeatherQuestions.com: What is the Greenhouse Effec
Simple description of the greenhouse effect by a climate scientist.