english deutsch
Chickens, Ducks, Geese, and Swans, Eagles, Hummingbirds, Owls, Parrots, Parakeets, and Macaws, Penguins, Quails, Raptors, Songs and Calls
ABC-Kid.com, Animalaz.org, AnimalSearch, BBC Online: Wildfacts, Borrico.com, CyberZoo 2001, Natural History Notebooks, Pets: Cantufind.com, The Big Zoo, The Electronic Zoo
Endangered Species
ARKive, Bagheera Endangered Species, Brownteal.com, Endangered Earth, Endangered New Jersey, Endangered Species 2000, Endangered Species Picture Book, Endangered TV, Endangered! Exploring a World at Risk, Expedition : Endangered
Conservation, Freshwater, Salmon, Saltwater, Marine Life Learning Center: Kid's Corner, Oceanography in Atlantic Canada, Photo Gallery of Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach
Anemones, Centipedes and Millipedes, Crustaceans, Insects, Jellyfish, Mollusks, Sand Dollar, Scorpions, Sea Cucumber, Sea Urchin
Aardvarks, Alpacas, Anteaters, Antelopes, Armadillos, Bats, Bears, Beavers, Bobcats, Buffalo
Marine Life
Aquariums, Coral Reefs, Educational Games and Adventure, Scientific and Personal Accounts, Sea Snakes, Aquascope, Aquatic Safari, Cool Kids Fishin', Echinoderms, Fishy Creatures, Kids' Cruise, Learn A Little About Marine Life, Marine Life, MarLIN Sealife Heritage Rockpool, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Fish FAQ
ASPCA Animaland, Help Your Animal Friends, HumaneTeen, Kids in Nature's Defense, PETA Kids, Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to , The Kratt Club
Reptiles and Amphibians
Amphibians, Reptiles, Awesome Amphibians, Remarkable Reptiles, Reptile and Amphibians of Northern Florida, Ribbit, Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity: Foc, World of Wildlife - Animal Instincts
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, BlackDog's You Belong at the Zoo, Brookfield Zoo: World of Exploration, Chaffee Zoological Gardens of Fresno, exZOOberance, FlatZoo, Kids Go Wild Home, Lincoln Park Zoo, National Zoo, Oakland Zoo Entrance
African Fauna
Includes facts, photos and information.
Amazing Animal Articles
Articles about a number of animal topics, including evolution and predation.
Amazing Animal Senses
Examples of how some animals sense the outside world and the anatomical structures that allow them to do so.
Animal Attraction
Strange pictures of various beasts from the Washington Post.
Animal Doc Com
For kids who would like to be veterinarians. Animal health and care information, puzzles and contests.
Animal facts
Weird facts about animals.
Animal Information For Kids
Designed by an eight-year old Includes information about biomes,animal fiction, current events, sayings,fun facts, links, an interactive quiz, and an opportunity to write in questions.
Animal Slide Show
A simple slide show with various photos of animals.
Animal Trial
View animal pictures with information on each animal. Test your knowledge with the question panel.
Contains facts such as why a zebra has stripes, what makes a rattlesnake rattle, and how the fire-bellied toad uses its colors as a warning to other predators.
Contains information about animals which are not famous or common, including the sea cow, anaconda, tiger moth, and rice rat. Also includes articles and questions.
Learn all about amphibians, birds, fishes, mammals and reptiles from this page sponsored by the Sedgwick County Zoo.
Graphics, quizzes and links to help students learn basic animal concepts. Includes protozoa and simple animals as well.
Animals Past and Present
Includes a history of animals that lived in Illinois 65 million years ago, 10 million years ago, and today. Also offers an explanation about what happened to the dinosaurs.
Are You Thinking about Becoming a Veterinarian?
Frequently asked questions about how someone becomes a vet including career information, veterinary medicine, jobs, education, salary, advice, schools, and personal experiences.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Our Animals
Australian animals, their physical features, food, home and environment and social groups. Based on a TV series.
Australian Fauna
Information on a wide range of diverse Australian animals. Includes wildlife sanctuaries, quizzes and photos.
Australian Wildlife
Australian wildlife photographs featuring mammals, birds, frogs and lizards from Queensland, Australia. Audio is available for many of the bird, mammal and frog calls.
AVMA Kids' Korner
Activities, games, tips, and other information to help kids learn to care for pets.
Aza's Web
Learn all sorts of things about wild animals and how to protect them, as well as finding out what other children think about the planet. Available in eleven languages.
BBC - CBBC - Wild
Find out what makes your pet tick, how to help wildlife, competitions, quizzes and webcams.
BBC Nature Online - Animals
A site for anyone interested in animals and the natural world around them. Includes special features, fact sheets, and online quizzes.
Bertie's Vertebrate Quiz
Quizzes, puzzles and problems about vertebrate animals. Different difficulty levels.
Fun Australian Flash site dedicated to the history and lore of the Bunyips.
Cool Animal Pictures
Offering tiger, wolf, dolphin and bird pictures.
Densmore Forest
Contains games, quizzes, and activities about animals. Also includes activities about mythical creatures.
EcoKids: Games & Activities About Wildlife
Learn about amphibians, birds, mammals, invertebrates and underwater creatures in this collection of interactive activities.
Food Chains and Webs
What is a food chain? Find out why there are more herbivores than carnivores. Multiple-choice questions and an interactive activity to create your own food web.
Free Animal Trivia Web Quizzes
Each quiz selects ten animal trivia facts at random. Requires Flash.
Pictures and basic information about common animals found in the garden. Also offered in Dutch.
Journey North: A Global Study of Wildlife Migratio
Students across North America track the journeys of a dozen migratory species, share their field observations with classrooms across the Hemisphere, and are linked with scientists who share their expertise directly.
Collection of animal movie and audio clips, websites, posters, and books. Includes insect, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and other invertebrates.
Kids Go Wild
Explore a virtual zoo with animal facts, games, wildlife news, and information on conservation efforts.
Living Organisms 2002
Basic classification of animals.
Logan's Animal Adaptations
A site constructed by a first grader showing how animals must adapt to their environment in order to survive. Includes graphic organizers.
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Includes games, coloring pages, and other activities about koalas and Australian animals.
Moosalini Quack Quack Krazy Kreatures
Pictures of seals, puppies, moose, and ducks.
Morris the Tortoise's Wild World of Animals
Original articles about animals, artwork, and links to resources, including animal webcams.
Photoarchives - Josef Hlasek
Features photo galleries. Includes plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and moths, beetles, nerve-winged insects, dragonflies and other animals.
Pond Dipping
Find out about frogs, toads and tadpoles, newts and pond bugs, how to pond dip, and how to make a wildlife pond. Send in pictures and reports of pond animals you have seen.
Scott's Awesome Animals
Learn about and see photos of mammals, reptiles, and pets. Site created by an 8-year-old.
SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Information Database
Contains information about several types of animals ranging from mammals, birds, and even marine life.
Skull Collection
Picture gallery of skulls from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, sharks, and crustaceans. Also offers a chart comparing the sizes, a map of skull bones, and a description of how you prepare skulls.
The Animal Diversity Web
General information about all genres of the animal kingdom, from mammals to reptiles.
The Predator Page
Information about predators such as Great White sharks, tigers, and cheetahs. Includes many pictures, links, and information.
Visual Dissecting
Perform dissections of a bullfrog and a fetal pig. Includes a glossary and message board.
World Wildlife Fund: Just for Kids
Provides fact sheets, interactive quizzes, photographs, video clips, and teacher's guides.
World Wildlife Fund: Kids
Information and activities related to wildlife and endangered species.
Zoobooks - The Encyclopedia of Animals
Tons of reliable animal information and resources, plus links to other homework sites.