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Radio, Telephones, Televisions, Aadi's School Science Project, Inventions at Nationalgeographic.com, Reinvent the Past: Famous Inventions, Smith College Museum of Ancient Inventions, Totally Absurd Inventions
Become An Inventor
A guide to finding and solving inventive problems, performing patent searches, and marketing ideas. Requires Flash plug-in.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Inventors and Innovation
Provides links to Smithsonian web resources.
Great Inventions and Inventors
Elementary school students introduce some of the greatest minds and machines in the modern era. Includes timeline.
The American Experience: Forgotten Inventors
Highlights everyday items such as blue jeans or the can opener and tells about people who created them.
The Headbone Derby: Invention Snatchers
Internet research adventure helps 4th-8th graders discover inventors from the past and learn how inventions come to be.