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Animation of Nitrogen Cycle
Presents an active diagram of this process, together with a description of each stage and component.
Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle
An article showing human impacts at all levels of this cycle.
Nitrogen Cycle
A diagram and overview.
Nitrogen Cycle
An interactive diagram: you click on an aspect of the cycle or a state of nitrogen and the diagram will simplify to show you which part of the cycle it applies to.
Nitrogen Cycle
Diagram, facts, nitrogen fixation methods, and what fixes nitrogen.
Nutrient Overload: Unbalancing the Global Nitrogen
Shows how nutrient pollution through man can lead to algae blooms that unbalance the cycle.
Streams Reduce Nitrogen Pollution, Scientists Find
Article describing the finding of scientists that small streams are extremely efficient at removing some of the excess nitrogen that is flowing into waterways, endangering fish and other forms of aquatic life.
The Microbial World: The Nitrogen Cycle and Nitro
How nitrogen gets "fixed" by bacteria to become available for plants on earth.
The Nitrogen Cycle
An explanation of the different forms of nitrogen on earth, nitrogen fixation, decay, and nitrification.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Diagram and explanation of the cycle.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Learn about the nitrogen cycle, and how humans have made an impact on it. Includes a quiz.