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Ingrid On Ice, Summer on Ice
"It's Freezing" in Antarctica
Includes facts and worksheet about the continent.
Amazing Antarctica
Provides information on the highest, driest and windiest continent on Earth.
Explores life on both the continent and the sub-antarctic islands that surround it.
Antarctica Online
Explores the history, culture, and scientific value of the continent. Also boasts extensive photo collection.
Antarctica: The Continent of Wonder
Examines the uniqueness of the world's coldest, driest and windiest continent -- a place where researchers from around the world work together in peace.
Antarctica: The End Of The Earth
PBS site offers a glimpse into life in the land of powerful winds and massive icebergs.
EnchantedLearning.com: Antarctica
Offers a look at the geography, climate, people and location of this icy continent. Also includes profiles of Antarctic explorers, information on fossils found in the region, interactive quiz, and a view from space.
FAQ on Antarctica
A scientist living on Antarctica answers questions about the continent and what he's doing there.
Frozen Under
National Geographic article examines the attraction earth's coldest continent holds for scientists and 15,000 tourists a year.
Irish Antarctic Adventure 1997: South Aris
Follow a group of experienced Irish sailors and mountaineers attempted to retrace the footsteps of the epic journey made by Ernest Shackleton in 1915. Also learn about the geography, climate and wildlife of the region.
Journey to the Frozen Continent
Thinkquest Jr. site tells about the land of Antarctica, its climate, the animals that live there, and explorers who have visited.
Live from Antarctica
Explores life under, on, and high above the Southern Ocean.
MSN Encarta: Antarctica
Article and multimedia items offer an introduction to this land of ice.
National Geographic Sea Lab: Antarctic
Dispatches, photos, and video depict life on an icebreaker as the crew studies krill and other Antarctic species.
NOVA Online: Warnings from the Ice
Offers information about Antarctica and tells how ice cores provide a record of the past. Discusses how the world's coastlines would recede if some or all of the Antarctic ice were to melt.
NOVA: Mountain of Ice
Read an interview with explorer Jon Krakauer who climbed Antarctica's highest mountain, find out what it was like to film the journey, see what coastlines around the world would look like if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, and explore the life cycle of a glacier.
Secrets of the Ice - Museum of Science in Boston
Follow the progress of a four-year Antarctic expedition of scientists based at the University of New Hampshire. Learn about the climate and environment, ice core research, and the expedition.
Sunrise at the South Pole
See the dawn of a new day in Antarctica as autumn begins in Earth's northern hemisphere.
The Really Wild Zone: Antarctica
BBC feature takes a closer look at the climate, wildlife, and plants of the south pole.
The World Factbook: Antarctica
Tells about the continent's history, geography, people, and government.
Virtual Tour: Antarctica
Photos, text and maps provide a virtual tour of the South Pole.
Welcome to the Ice: The Antarctic Adventures of Ro
A man who installs and repairs weather stations in the frozen region tells what it's like to be there. Site also includes timeline, trivia, and links to the sites of other past residents.
Wired Antarctica
Learn about the people doing research in Antarctica, what life is like there and how their research is important.