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Age of Exploration Timeline
A simple chronology of exploration from 3200 B.C. - 1779 A.D.
American Spice Trade Association: The Age of Disco
Short article shows how the spice trade contributed to the rise of the age.
European Voyages of Exploration
Richly illustrated site looks at the factors that contributed to 15th and 16th century exploration and the individuals, as well as the roles Spain and Portugal.
Latitude: The Art and Science of Fifteenth-Century
A look at the tools, history, and knowledge 15th-century navigators had at their disposal as they set out in uncharted waters.
Pages Through the Ages: The Age of Discovery
A short introduction to the era.
The Age Of Discovery
Shareware Hypercard stack designed to introduce young children to the era.
The Conquistadors
Online learning adventure retraces the footsteps of four Spanish explorers. From PBS.
The Great Age Of Discovery - 15th Century
Introduces a few of the key people and significant events of this age.
Western Conquerors: The Age of Discovery
Focuses on the role Portugal played in initiating this era.