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A Timeline of Ancient Egypt
Identifies the various periods in Egyptian history, from 3100 B.C.-395 A.D.
America's Timeline
Study guides from the History Channel.
Byzantium: Timeline
Charts the major events of the early, middle, and late Byzantine periods. From The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
CBC Kids: History of Inventions
Looks at who made what when, and examines how inventions have changed the world.
Computer History Museum: A History of the Internet
Traces the phenomena from 1962 (before the term "Internet" was even coined) to the modern era.
Events In Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Large collection of timelines pinpoint major events, discoveries, and peoples. Topics range from medicine to transportation to astronomy.
Food Timeline
Learn about the diets of prehistoric people, what the Vikings ate as they set off to explore the world, and how Thomas Jefferson made his ice cream.
History of China
An in-depth history of China, organized according to time periods.
LIFE Online: Millennium
Time and Life magazines identify the top 100 events of the past 1,000 years.
Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries
Illustrated timeline highlights important dates, events, and people in this nation's history.
Science Timeline
A chronology from the 7th millenium BC to the present day, with brief explanations of events in the history of Western natural philosophy and sciences.
Solemates : The Century in Shoes
Looks at how footwear evolved over the course of the 20th century.
Strange Science: Timeline
Timeline of important events in paleontology and biology.
The Amazing Magnificent Colossal Cruise Through Ti
Jump into the time machine and set the controls for the time period you'd like to visit at this Thinkquest Challenge site.
Timeline of Events: 1750-1939
Highlights major events in United States history.
Timeline Romani (Gypsy) History
A chronology of this persecuted people group from the fourth century to the present day.
U.S. History Timeline
Travel through 15,000 years of history from hunters of wooly mammoths to the 21st Century in this picture-enhanced timeline.
World History
A timeline of history from the formation of the Earth to the present. From Infoplease.