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About Afghanistan
Brief description of the country and its food.
Afghan Network Interactive
An excellent source of information about Afghanistan such as geography, flags, and maps.
Learn about this country's role in the rivalry between the two superpowers.
Afghanistan - A Country Study
Overview of life, history, and culture by the US Library of Congress.
Afghanistan - Surviving in the Mountains
Find captivating images of the people and places of this country and learn a little about life in the mountains.
Afghanistan for Kids
See what Afghan people eat and wear, learn about their crafts, and read a story from the Middle East.
Afghanistan Online
Offers information on the country's history, culture, geography, and politics. Also includes news, recipes, and biographies.
Afghanistan: A Historical Timeline
Provides a concise account of the nation's past, from the time it was conquered by Darius I of Babylonia to the current day.
Afghanistan: Veiled in Fear
PBS special describes what it is like to live in modern-day Afghanistan.
Provides detailed information about the land, its history, the people who inhabit it, and their way of life.
BBC News: Who are the Taleban?
Tells who these people are, how they come into power, and what they have done since assuming control of the land.
CIA World Factbook: Afghanistan
Features a map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people.
Cool Planet: Afghanistan
Includes sections on geography, history, people and culture and Oxfam's involvement there.
Ethnic Groups of Afghanistan
Get details on the Hazara, Pashtun, Uzbeks, and Turkmens of the country.
Lonely Planet World Guide: Destination Afghanista
Tells how two decades of war have virtually destroyed what was once a backpacker's paradise. Includes information on the country's history and culture.
MSN Encarta: Afghanistan
Introduces the land and its people. Includes information on the country's past, its current government, and the culture that prevails today.
Learn about this cultural group found in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Time for Kids: No Music, No TV
Explores the changes the Taliban brought to this country when they first took control.
Time for Kids: Tearing Down History in Afghanistan
Describes the Taliban's efforts to destroy all religious statues in the country.
Time for Kids: Why Afghanistan?
Explores how this poor, drought-ridden country became the main target behind U.S. military strikes in retaliation for the Sept. 11 attacks.
Understanding Afghanistan: Land in Crisis
News, maps, photos, and other information on the country from National Geographic.
WashingtonPost.com: The Road of Last Resort
An article by David Finkel about the plight of refugees who have abandoned their homes after 22 years of war and a drought. Photographs and slide show.